Friday, August 24, 2012

Shabby to Chic

Have you ever had something in your house that you didn't just love, but it was free & useful, so you kept it? Even though it was U-G-L-Y {"You ain't got no alibi!"}? That was the predicament that I was in with these practical baskets under our coffee table. The one on the left is a very nice rattan one from my dorm room days that currently houses our growing board game collection. The little beauty on the right {ugh} is something that ended up in my apartment after my grandmother's open heart surgery a couple of years ago. It served its purpose as a snack basket for my family at the hospital then wound up with me. Its a great basket, don't get me wrong & perfect for DVD storage, just not the prettiest. And I was not loving the way it looked when paired with the other. So what is a DIYing girl to do? Spray paint it of course!!

I perused the very limited spray paint aisle at Walmart & decided on Krylon's Global Blue in a glossy finish. {Disclaimer: While I love the way it turned out, I don't love the color with the rest of my living room. I'm planning on repainting it in a red, I just haven't found the time yet!}

I made sure to wipe the basket down with a damp cloth to remove dust & pet hair {thanks Zinga}. Then I took it outside, laid down some newspaper, & went to town. I used the entire can just to make sure that I had good coverage. I sprayed the inside of the basket, as well. I let it dry a full day, since the humidity down here in Florida is worse than Hades. 

To make it coordinate better with the other rattan basket, I added burlap to the handles. I doubled up a piece & cut it down to size. Using my hot glue gun I kept burning the you-know-what out of my fingers carefully wrapped & glued the burlap. To help keep it attached {because it was kind of refusing to lay down in some areas} I tied thin strips on each edge. 

At first, I liked the bows.  

Then, decided to cut off the tails to make it a little more streamlined & not so "country-ish". 

And there ya go! A totally new looking basket for only $3!! Plus it brings a pop of color to the space. As soon as I find the time {& the rain lays off down here} I'm going to repaint it to match my vision a little better. And, of course, I'll post an update!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday Social: Week 9

I know I've been kinda MIA here lately, & I've really been slacking on my Sunday Social linkups with Ashley & Neely…. because I'm a working woman now!! So, I've been trying to figure out how to balance everything with my new work schedule. But, when I saw that this week's linkup was about all things FALL, I knew I had to make time!! This is something that me & Micah have actually been talking about lately. The heat down here in Florida is wearing on us, & we are so ready for cooler, crisper weather! 

{What is your favorite fall activity?}
Bonfires! There's nothing better than sitting around a fire, making s'mores, breaking out the guitars, & having a good time. The first night me & Micah had our first date we were at a bonfire! That's also how we spent the night before our rehearsal dinner. :)

{Do you follow a football team? If so, which one and why?}
I don't necessarily follow any football teams, but my husband & pretty much every other member of my family follow the Tennessee Vols & the Tennessee Titans, so I kinda follow them, too. Hubs is a UT alumni. Enough said. 

{What is something fun about fall in your area?}
Well, right now we are in Florida, & apparently Fall doesn't really happen down here… sadly. But at home {around the Nashville area}, there's always high school football games, pumpkin patches, & hay rides. 

{What are your favorite fall outfit staples?}
My Fall clothing staples are very simple. Boyfriend cardigans, scarves, & boots. Pair those 3 with skinny jeans, leggings, or dresses & the options are limitless. 

{What things are you looking forward to most about this coming fall season?}
Some sort of break from this Florida heat!! I'm really going to miss Fall in Tennessee, but we are going to make the best of it down here. Hopefully, we will be able to catch some football games. And if we are really lucky, it will get chilly enough for a bonfire! Also, Halloween. I love dressing up & carving pumpkins!

{What is your favorite fall holiday? Traditions?}
I love Halloween, like I said, but my favorite Fall holiday has to be Thanksgiving. The food, the family. I love it all. My favorite tradition that goes with it is my family's cutthroat game of Uno!